About Us

Langa Langa

Langa-Langa is incorporated by ‘6-wise-men’ connected like the spider web. As Africans and more specifically Ghanaians, symbolism plays a significant role in their identity and lifestyle. Hence the adoption of an Adinkra symbol of “Ananse Ntentan” to wit, spiderweb.

A closer look at the symbol reveals a slight modification of the original seven pedals, of which one pedal has been replaced by an ‘exclamation sign’ to emphasize strong feelings and passion.

Langa Langa is a Zairian phrase meaning ‘marvelous and almighty’ according to the Congolese Music group, Zaiko Langa Langa.

Approach to the Stories

Langa Langa is a leading voice in the arts and culture of Ghanaian and Africans in general, as well as the Diaspora. Every wild week, we publish top stories, as we call it, on but not limited to poetry, painting, music, cinema and folklore.

Founded by the 6 Men in late 2021 as a platform for “telling the untold stories,” we not only communicate the stories but also promote events, host exhibitions to enable our creatives feel more connected and oh! we sell their artworks too.

Delving deeper into the arts and cultural sphere, we believe there is a gap, or more appropriately, a need, for expressed classics to be shown to a large audience, and that is what we do with works from our contributors.

So that’s our approach, and sure, we’d like to improve it even more. Our subject of focus entails masterpieces with artistic expressionism, submit your tales, events and artworks for our consideration and don’t forget the feedback too.

The Untold Stories

From music to poetry to cinema, learn the untold stories of beautiful arts and the way of life of the people.

Explore The Events

Discover events happening around you, no matter your style there is a fit for you.

Behind The Stories

Far from the stories, take a look at the people that transform bright ideas into finished masterpieces.

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